Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tamika's three digital techniques

In digital photography there are techniques that you need to know before you go about taking a photo. Most professional photographers have to study these techniques before they know how to take a professional photo. I am going to be talking about three techniques that most professional use when taking a photo. It is very important that you study these techniques because if you don’t then you’re photo will not be interesting to your viewer.

The first techniques that I am going to talk about are the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is used to balance out your point of interest when a picture is taking or already taken. The basic idea of the rules of thirds is to break down your image horizontally and vertically. To balance out your image you have to make sure that your point of interest is in one of the money spots or one of the intersections. The rules of thirds points out the four most important part of your image. When you put points of interest on your photo it gives your viewer an easier way to interact with your main focus and not get distracted.

Using focal points in photography is another technique that professions use to make their photo look professional. The focal point is the central interest of your photo. What will catch your viewers of attention? A focal point can be anything from mountains, flowers, building its is very important that you have a focal point because you don’t want to confuse your viewer. If you don’t have a focal point your viewer could find your image uninterested and just turn to the other. But there are ways to enhance your focal point you can do that by placing or standing in a prominent position you can also use the rules of thirds to balance your photo you can use depth of field to blur out distractions. And also the size of your focal point can enhance it color and shapes can also enhance your image.

Four rules of composition for landscape photography is another technique that you might want to use to get a good landscape image. First diagonal line- Using diagonal line can draw your viewer’s attention. It is best to use the actual lines, could be shape of a path. If you want can use them to make your photo more interesting. Geometric shapes can make your photo be interesting too. By positioning your key aspects of a landscape on point of a geometric shape you can help create a balance composition. Using the rules of thirds can have a effect on your landscape image positioning key points of interest in a landscape on the intersections or point of interest. Framing mages – when adding points of interest to fore ground its important to add interest to landscape shot. The most common way of faming landscape shot is to include an over hanging branch in the up section of a shot.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What is symmetry?
Symmetry is when theres a line that cuts the image in one that has balanced sides.

What is asymmetry?
Asymmetry is when there's a line that cuts an image in two with unbalanced sides.

My biggest challenge was finding and understanding the idea of asymmetry and symmetry the most successful was getting all the photos and rating them and editing my photos.