Thursday, April 28, 2011

1. Framing helps you highlight your main point of interest

2. A perspective is the angle you take your image from. for example taking a picture close up or from above or download can put a imapct on your photo.

3. you can use space in your photo by creating a sense of intimacy and connection.

4. the balance in a photo is the point of interest if you have too much object in your photo it can make it unbalance.

5. the good points in using color in your photo is that it makes your photo vibrant full of energy and makes it intersting and gives it mood. the bad points in a photo is that it can also distract the viewer.

How to Photograph Silhouettes In 8 Easy Steps.

1. it stands out because of the combination of simplicity and also the story it tells.

2. The stragedy you take when taking a silhouette is to place your object in front of some light.

3. you need to make sure that there is more light in the background . in doing bthis you would want to put your camera in front of the sunlight.

4. The light source can be any bright light weather its the sun or bulp.

5. A bright background is usually the bests

6. A profile is silhoutted people. a profile make the photo better because it makes the object clearer and more of there features stands out.

In this picture si can see a old generation of men they have black coats on and a group of modern people in bright colored clothes.

The colors that are in this photo is gray, black, yellow, green,and blue.
modern, history, old ,

The mood this photo gives is a sense of old and new in one.

This photo can mean that what is out side the museum is in side and people from our generation still remember history.

This photo uses the rules of composition because it has a horizontal line and a vertical line.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1. What do you see? describe what is happeing . I see a building with alot of papers and boxes.
2. The main color is gray and black

3. dead, history, cluttered, abondant, old

4. This picture gives me a mood of dulness this picture make me feel alone, old and broken down.

5. This photo can mean that the building is abondant and have been there for century with a lot of boxes and important papers.

6. This photo uses the rule of composition because it is consist of a vertical line and horizontal line.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening. I see a japanese in protected clothing in a pile of houses and garbage that was destroyed in the tsunami.

2. what colors, shapes, and lines.

colors = blue , gray, brown, black, red, orange, white,burgandy
shapes= square, rectangle, triangle, circle,
lines= horizontal lines

3. 5 descriptive words. destruction, destroyed, depressed, ruin, cluttered

4. what mood does this give yo. This image give me a mood of sadness, emotional, and sympathetic to the people that was involved in the stunami the reason why is because the people of this country have lost family, close friends and a home and are ful of sadness and depressed and dont know what to do.

5. Interpret this photo. what does the photo mean. This photo can mean that there is a place out there that is in need of help and we the people that can helping hand should give what they can to help.

6. This photo uses the rules of compostion because it consist of a horizontal line.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1. what do you see? Describe what is happeing. I see white clouds and blue sky reflecting in the ocean with the reflection of a boat.

2. what colors, shapes, lines

colors = blue, white, brown, gray

shapes = rectangle

lines = horizontal

3. 5 expressive words describing the image

calm, smooth, relaxing, lonely ,

4. Interpret this image. this picture can mean that a boat just appeared to escape out in the ocean.

5. This photo uses the rules of composition because it consist of a horizontal line its clear.

Friday, April 15, 2011

1. what do you see? Describe what is happening? there seems to be two different destinations with the ground separating them both.

2. what colors, shapes, and lines.

colors = blue, brown, red, green, black

shapes= square, rectangle, triangle.

lines = horizontal and vertical

3. 5 descriptive words

intricate, confusing, unreal, complicated

4. interpret this image. what is the meaning of this image. this image can mean that there is two side of the world

5. this photo uses the rules of third because its clear and precise iot has a horizontal line and a vertical line.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1. what do you see in? Describe what is happening. I see dark clouds with lighting tricking out of them i also see a hil with little trees.

2. what colors, shapes, and lines.

colors = black, white, orange, gray

shapes = triangle, rectangle, square

lines = horizontal

3. 5 descriptive words.

energetic , dangerous, explosive, uncontrollable ,

4. interpret this photo. this image can mean that storm about to hit or clouds with extremly dangerous lightening about to strick somewhere.

5. This image uses the rules off third because it has a horizontal line and you can tell what the main focus is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Interpretation of mood and emotion

Interpreting Mood & Emotion in Music:

Type Answers into this Document as you listen to the videos. When complete, Copy and Paste your answers into a new Blogger Post:

Title Blog Post: Emotions & Mood in Music

1. What is the mood of the 1st video?

The mood this video is conveying is happy

2. What is the mood of the 2nd video?

The mood that this video is conveying sad and scary

Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Excited, joyful, happy, overjoyed, crazy , fun, loving, crazy, amazing,

Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Crazy, not so excited, no feeling, angry,

Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Calm, loving, sweet, graceful, sad,

Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Crazy, scary, sad, bad, evil, creepy, demanding,

Song #5: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Sad, lifeless, unenergetic, crazy, weary, drained, depressed, lightless, dark,

1. what do you see ? This is picture is comprised of winter season and a summer or spring season this image shows dried wintery trees and trees that have bright green leaves in the middle and the dried ones at the end.

2. What colors, shape, and lines?

color = green, brown, white, black .

shaapes = triangle

lines = vertical horizontal

3. 5 expressive words

cold , warm, silent, calm, wintery

4. Interpret this photo. this photo can mean that its almost summer but not quite there yet.

5. This photo uses the rules of composition by having a horizontal line

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotions & Mood 2

1. What does the writer of the article say that creating mood is for him? The writer of the article say that creating mood is relaxation and when he takes a photo the feeling that he have the viewer would have that same feeling.

2. what is a common element that can add mood to a photo? A common element that add mood to your image is fog. he says a thick fog can add so much to an image.

3. Why do storm clouds add mood? what kind of mood can storm clouds convey? storm clouds add mood because the more darker the cloud and more ominous and threatening the sky adds more emotion.

4. What kind of effect can running water have? the kind of effect a running water can have is a calm effect that pulls viewers attention and makes them want to sit and watch.

5. Why can many different people find many different moods in an photo? many people can find different mood in their photo because the mood one person has in his or her photo might not be in the other he says people in different moods when their taking a photo.

Adding Emotion

1. what does adding emotion make a great photo? adding emotions make a great photo because it makes a viewer connects with the photo.

2. what should the photo express for you ? happiness , joy, despair

3. why do faces convey emotion easily? because people will show what their feeling when take a photo.

4. what will sitting and observing do for your photos? when you sit and observe and the mood that you have is a big part of your photo.

5. what question should you ask yourself when shooting? what emotion am i trying to convey.

emotions & Mood 2

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening. I see a woman by herself in the mid of destruction. I see buildings destroyed.

2. what color, shapes, and lines.
color = green, red, black, gray, white, brown
shapes = triangle, square, rectangle, circle.

lines = horizontal line

3. 5 descriptive words describing the image

destruction, pain, destroyed, dead, sad

4. Interpret the photograph what is the meaning of this image
this photo means destruction it means that a lot of people are in pain like the woman thats in this photo this image means that its going to be hard for a lot of people this photo means that there are alot of people without shelter and that some don't have any shelter are a home to be in.

5. The rules of composition

this photo uses the rules of composition it has a horizontal line.